Sunday, March 1, 2020

February at the Zoo

We were blessed with a family pass to the Birmingham Zoo from an extended family member this past Christmas. It was really an awesome gift for us because honestly, I'm just too cheap to pay for what it costs for our family to go to the zoo. When weighing out whether or not to purchase a family pass to the zoo, I always envision the dozen of activities I could plan and do with my children for the same price. It doesn't help that the zoo is a solid hour away. That's with no pitstops along the way (and lets face it there's always one who has to go to the bathroom in that *one* hour). 

Due to the size of our family, it's far more economical to purchase a yearly pass than to buy individual tickets. Which is why we were so grateful for the zoo pass. Plus half my kiddos had never even been to the zoo, so trust me when I say they were stoked to receive such a great gift!

Since the pass is good for 12 months, we are hoping to visit the zoo 12 times. Ideally this would be once a month, but that just isn't practical due to inclement weather. We missed visiting during the month of January, mostly because of the weather but also because Abby Lou was just a few weeks old. Since the weather cooperated twice in February we were able to go to the zoo twice. 

The first visit was just me and our nine youngest. (Our oldest lives on his own and is of course working full-time, since he is an adult, lol ~ but I still miss him, especially when we go on family adventures). The first trip to the zoo was an adventure to say the least. My three year old screamed the entire time, my five year old puked all over himself and the van on our way there, and then proceeded to NOT behave very well at all. UGH!! Thankfully, my children remember it as a fabulous time, but for this mama, fun would not be the word I'd use to describe that little zoo excursion.

Our family was able to work in another trip to the zoo with Daddy on Presidents Day. The weather was a little to cool for my comfort zone, but it was perfect for everyone else. We had a fabulous time, and everyone was extremely well behaved. We ended up staying for three hours and then we concluded the trip with a picnic outside the zoo premises. 

It was wonderful to be able to experience the zoo twice in one month. We were able to see different animals each time. We are all looking forward to watching and experiencing the zoo transform throughout the seasons. Hopefully, since March is upon us, it won't be long before we can plan another trip to the zoo.

With Love & Hope,

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