Thursday, May 7, 2020

Conquering Fear

Fear is a poison that can grip anyone during a myriad of circumstances. Confusion, lies, and the unknown can be crippling. The world is experiencing unprecedented fear mongering via fake news and those in power with personal agendas. It's down right hard to stay positive with all 'this' craziness happening right now. Even when it seems like life is spiraling out of control, people can still experience joy-filled lives intertwined with peace within the mind so long as there is the right checks and balances in place. 

The current state of affairs of our world has been more of an inconvenience than an opportunity for worry and fear for our family. We do have some concerns, but none of them are in reference to any sickness. We are more leery of the long-term side-effects from political decisions being made and how they will permanently alter our way of life as a people than anything else. Even with those issues, we ultimately know that none of this has caught God off guard, and He is going to protect and provide for his people.

As a family we are doing our best to rise above the occasion with not letting our circumstances dictate our perspective. It's easy to fall into the pit of despair, but through it all we really can be victorious in Christ. It is through faith that we find our strength to not just survive and endure, but to become empowered and thrive. Fear can always be conquered with faith. When faith is combined with action fear has no opportunity to sink in and take over the mind. Our family has found that as long as we keep our focus on keeping our faith in motion with the following components we are not so easily susceptible to debilitating fear.  

Conquering Fear

  • Bible & Prayer: God must be first in our life regardless of any situation we find ourselves in. God desires a relationship with His people and the only way to cultivate a relationship with the Lord is through bible reading and prayer. God's word holds all the truths we will ever need. When we take the time to talk to God and listen to what he has to say, we can truly experience all-encompassing peace. 
  • Family & Friends: God did not design his people to live in isolation. Human beings were intended to interact with other humans. While it may be difficult to physically interact with people, we do live in the technological age and almost everyone has a way to communicate, even if it is only by a land-line phone. Be intentional to communicate with other people, a simple conversation with a family member or friend can do wonders to uplift the spirit.
  • Routine & Order: When life is chaotic and tumultuous it can be easy to chuck all sense of routine and order. Unfortunately this can continue to reek havoc on the mind's ability to process situations accurately. While old routines may not be feasible, there's nothing wrong with creating a temporary new routine. Living life intentionally and on purpose helps to eliminate chaos while creating an outlet of peace.
No one can control all their circumstances they will experience in life. There will be times when life will seem to be a never-ending emotional roller coaster. Despite these facts, focusing on the things that can be controlled will help to stop fear in it's tracks. God is in control and that is the ultimate source of peace. God is mightier than anyone or anything we will ever face while living on this earth. The Lord has equipped us with everything we need to put our faith into action and conquer fear. Rest easy friends everything is going to be okay.

With Love & Hope,

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