Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Winter/Snow Totschool Week

I planned our winter/snow tot school week to fall at the end of January, just when we were beginning to all wear thin of being cooped up from the rainy, cold weather down here in the Deep South. Yes, we still have a couple more months of winter, but thankfully we will start to see some warmer days sprinkled into the weeks as we get loser to spring. My people do not do well being trapped inside for days on end ~ we need the fresh air to stay sane, lol.

I planned for five winter/snow activities for the week including one snactivity. The above picture was our 'melted snowman' snactivity. The children placed large marshmallows on graham crackers, then I melted them in the oven on broil and smashed the marshmallows down with a spatula. Then they made faces with candy corn and chocolate chips. It was a HUGE mess, but the children seemed to like it so I'm calling it a win, even if some had to go straight to the tub for a bath to get unstickified.

Our next project was to make snow paintings with clothes pins hooked to cotton balls and white paint. Super easy and super fun for my kiddos who love to paint.

Always major drama trying to get the tot school pics {{sigh}}.

Then we made paper plate penguins. I cut a heart out of white construction paper that they glued on to the paper plate. Then I used one of my circle punches for the eye pieces and my heart punch for the feet. Next I cut an orange nose and last I gave the children a pile of torn black construction paper for them to glue on the plates for the body.

Another winter/snow project was q-tip painted snow flakes. A super easy craft ~ I cut narrow rectangle strips of blue construction paper and then glued them like a snowflake, then the kiddos just painted white dots with a q-tip on the snow flakes.

Painting and glueing, if you haven't noticed are my go-to crafts for my kiddos.

We also made paper melted snowman. I used my circle punches to cut out eyes and a mouth. Then I cut out an orange nose and used my square punch for the 'body'. And last I cut long narrow rectangles for the arm pieces.

With instructions the children then glued all the pieces down onto their paper. I give the pieces out in sections so they didn't get glued in the wrong place.

Our last winter/snow activity was to make 'snow'. We used 1/2 cup regular white shampoo and 3 cups baking soda to make our 'snow'. The littles had a blast playing with their little animals in the homemade 'snow'.

As always I am so thankful to have planned our school year down to every last detail. Because I'm not going to lie, with a new baby and a house full of children and a bazillion other responsibilities, I highly doubt this fun themed tot school week would have happened. None of these winter/snow themed activities were complicated, but they do take a little bit of time to plan and coordinate. There's always a time and palace for spontaneity, but planning ahead has its benefits too!

With Love & Hope,

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