Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Groundhog's Day Funschool

Here we are with another holiday (of sorts) upon us; so I've got another fun schooling lesson coming your way. Truth: this is the first year we've ever done anything for Groundhog's Day other than read a few storybooks. but, when you plan your year out ~ that's what happens. You can actually do all those fun things you want to do, because everything is all planned out ready to go. 

We read a few story books (which I forgot to take a picture of) about Groundhog's Day and groundhogs. The big kiddos did a couple of interactive notebook pages about the holiday while the little ones did some groundhog themed coloring, number, and phonics print-outs. I found all of those at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Of course no holiday is complete without a directed drawing. Y'all know this is my favorite art project and we do them for so many holidays. I have kept all their drawing and I love to watch my children improve on their drawing skills. 

We watched several YouTube videos. One on the history of Groundhog's Day, one on facts about groundhogs and the last was a video about how shadows are made. When looking for Youtube videos, I just search 'kids videos on XYZ', and I pick one that is suitable. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to find a video that suits our interests.

The children made a groundhog shadow craft that I found on Teachers Pay Teachers as well. There was a cute poem to go along with it that they glued to the other side of the groundhog.

 Tabitha found this cute groundhog craft to make all on her own. It was made with an empty toilet paper roll, construction paper, and a Popsicle stick. The little groundhog could peeped out of it's 'hole' when she pushed it up through the toilet paper roll. I think she loves crafting just as much as me.

The little ones were kept occupied during our lesson time with coloring sheets and were assisted with the other crafts as well. I prefer to include all the children in as many of our lessons as possible. First because they're apart of the family, second because it prepares them for when they'll be actually doing them 'for real', and it keeps them out of trouble so I can focus on teaching the lessons. There is a method for my madness and a reason for why I do most everything, especially in regards to homeschooling. 

It's taken many years to find my groove and trust my instincts to do what works for us, and not get distracted with the pull of how 'everyone' else is doing *things*. I share how we do our life not because I know it all, but to encourage other to find their own way too. Homeschool is a gift for us all to use the way the Lord directs and none of us HAVE to do it the same way. I hope y'all enjoy these fun schooling ideas.

With Love & Hope,

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