Friday, August 17, 2018

August Harvest

Despite my better judgment and personal convictions in regards to social media; I have spent the past 2 years immersed in Instagram. Looking back I feel cheated and swindled by the Deceiver. But as with so many mistakes in my life God did use my time there to cultivate a few 'real' relationships. And for that I am grateful! 

The funny thing with the internet and social media, even blogging - you can recreate yourself over and over again. You can be anything you want to be. Unfortunately that can backfire and ultimately God always knows the true you. You can't run from God. Fact ~ Like it or not.

Our family has been 'homesteading' before homesteading was the thing to do. We did it because we were called to do it and because we had to do it. We had a very long season of 'leanness' and growing our own food was just what had to be done to make ends meet. (government assistance is just not an option for us - everyone has to do what they feel led to do, this is just our own personal convictions and story)

We had gotten to the point where we purchased very little in the form of food from the grocery store because we'd learned to grow AND cook with what we the good Lord provided through our very large garden and animals. 

Long story short (or maybe simply for another day) we backed off of our homesteading efforts and kind of just did it for a hobby and a nice supplement to our dietary needs. So, when I created my Instagram account I shared very little about our past homesteading efforts. 

Because of our personal background I enjoyed following others on similar homesteading paths. And since I'm typically a chatty person and like to help others, I often tried to share some wisdom, tips or suggestions in regards to gardening, animal husbandry, and food preservation. But much to my dismay they were not well received and typically brushed off as a woman who didn't have a clue! Insert gasp! 

See ~ because I had run from God and my true calling I was unable to be used by God to help these young up and coming homesteaders. The point of this post is not to debate social media but the fallacy in misrepresenting yourself in any form wether virtually or in realty. And I'd like to say I'm not trying to be prideful or boastful, I just happen to have years of experience and unfortunately mistakes under my belt that it would be nice to spare other folks those same setbacks!

Despite me running away from our simple life and homesteading lifestyle we have maintained a garden to some degree every year and this year was no different. The main summer garden season is currently wrapping up and soon we will be prepping the soil for our fall gardens. Which is one of the many wonderful perks of living in the south: The opportunity of 3 growing seasons! 

Despite us currently living 10 minutes from our old homestead where our gardens are located, we've had quite a successful garden and have preserved way more produce than I had expected we would. God is good like that always giving us more than we deserve. His mercies truly are never ending.

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, 
slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." Psalm 103:8

Our Muscadines, Scupindines, figs, and blackberries are all producing giving us a little here and there. When it isn't much (like this half
gallon mixture) I just add them altogether in a freezer bag and freeze them for smoothies when the kale and spinach starts producing in the Fall.

 We've had our best ever harvest of butternut squash! We've picked at least 30 of them ~ I really should have kept count!

August is the season of okra in the South! We like it battered and fried of course but I will 'oven fry' it on occasion.

Any extra that we can't eat fresh, is cut and put into freezer bags and added to meals (from frozen). But you can fry from frozen too, it just tales a little more work and isn't nearly as good as frying from freshly picked.

The peppers are slowing down ~ about a gallon every picking. This year we've dehydrated most of the hot peppers to pulverize into crushed pepper to sprinkle onto meals. We all love spicy hot food around here!!

Finally the tomatoes are slowing down. Whew! Tomatoes can wear a person out! All we did with the tomatoes this year was make tomato sauce. As the season is dwindling down we're quartering the tomatoes, placing them in freezer bags, and freezing until we accumulate enough to make it worth our while to have a canning session.

Our oldest so graciously bought 20 chicks (we've lost 2) to help keep our family supplied with farm fresh eggs. The middle kids are handling their necessary care, but my oldest is still providing for their needs. Which is a huge blessing to our family and we are grateful for his contribution to our homesteading efforts!

My goal is to only cook/bake with farm fresh food either grown from us or through small family farms. We are blessed to have a local honey farmer who produces amazing organic raw honey. We typically purchase a 'seconds' batch in a 5 gallon bucket but this year he didn't have any of those so we're running low on our honey. We were so graciously gifted with 2 quarts of honey this week which will be rationed through the very last drop!

So, how's everyone's gardens wrapping up this season? What are you doing to get ready for the fall gardening season? I'd love to hear your garden goals? I'll be sharing ours very soon!

With Love and Hope,

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