Thursday, August 16, 2018

New Beginnings

New beginnings can be just as scary as climbing a really big tree. Country Mama to Many is a personal fresh start. A new beginning of sorts where I can share the trials and triumphs of our family with those who desire to know more about us or who are curious how we live a simple life with a bunch of children in a modern world.

I'm not here to draw attention to myself or become the next big mommy blogger. That's just not who I am or what I am after. I am here to be a witness and an example of a Bible believing wife and mother who has made some mistakes along the way. I'd love to say I won't stumble in the future ~ But, I'm fairly confident I will. I am not a quitter; when I fall, I will simply jump back up, brush myself off and continue on this beautiful journey of life God has set before me.

This is not my first attempt at a blog. My first blog was Mama Economics. It was a paid-for website with all the bells and whistles. I worked nearly three years building that website for it to be taken out by the cunning hands of the evil one. (No sense in discussing the details, as gory as they were, God closed that door and so be it.) Mama Economics was devoted to sharing our life and how to live a Christian-based debt free life. I learned a lot about blogging and how cut-throat the industry truly is. Sadly, now days it's all about making money instead of building lasting relationships and actually helping blog followers - it truly is a pathetic sign of the times.

Because I truly do have a passion for writing and encouraging others, I created a second blogging platform through Modern Mommy Mentor. Sadly this was during my many falls from Grace. I had succumbed to the modern world of "I must make money from home". Sadly I spent countless hours creating a very nice website (to the eyes of the modern world of course). I sold a digital cookbook that I had written to help pay for the website. I bought professional pictures to put on the website; because that's what 'they' tell you to do. {seriously- insert eye roll} I marketed like I was supposed to, using social media and all that jazz with the hopes that I'd 'make it big'. But I hated it, it wasn't me or what I wanted to spend my time doing. It became all about making money and not about sharing my god-given wisdom with those who might actually glean from it.

God has given us all many talents and when we do not use them to bring glory to Him, we are truly acting like spoiled brats. When our ultimate goal is to make money and not simply to be used by God we're doing a huge injustice to God, the world, and even ourselves. Life is more than money. Wisdom is a gift and not something that should be taken for granted.

"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding." Proverbs 23:23

So Country Mama to Many is my hopeful attempt to redeem myself as a writer. A place where I can share what God lays on my heart. Even if the topics will most likely be as broad as the many personalities represented amongst my wild brood of nine, lol. But, I promise the posts will be authentic and genuine, written from my heart, about me and my beloved family.

But, because I don't believe all my writings were for naught over at Modern Mommy Mentor; I am going to be reposting some of them over here. Before each post I was specify that it was from my previous blog.

I'm just giving y'all a heads up for the potential of some over posting! 🙈

Thanks so much for following along on this wild and crazy journey of ours I'm glad you're here!

With Love and Hope,

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