Saturday, November 16, 2019

Key to Packing for a Large Family

Traveling with a large family can be intense to say the least. Heck getting to any function as a complete family can be a major ordeal when there're more than two folks involved. But it's not like we can just hibernate at home, so it's imperative we learn to handle those tiny little details like PACKING!

I'm a huge fan of gleaning from those who've come before me and even those who 'walk beside me'. we've got to help each other out on this crazy journey of life. I can't tell y'all how many times I've told someone to PLEASE make me 'wise' on any given topic, especially in regards to large family life. Which is why today I'm going to share one of my favorite tips for packing for a large family!

I love to travel, but traveling with a bunch of kiddos in tow can kind of put a 'monkey wrench' into the 'fun' business of traveling. Let's face it children have STUFF and the more children you travel with, the more you have to bring, especially with the under three age bracket. Then the other caveat to traveling with children is WHERE TO PUT ALL THAT STUFF they have to bring when you're on the road!?!?

I don't know about y'all but there is only so much room in our 15 passenger van, and most of it is used for actual people. We do not currently have an enclosed trailer or a towing package on our big van so all we've got for stowing space is what's inside the van. That means a LOT of creativity has to happen to get all our stuff into our van! Thankfully, we've had years of practice and plenty of folks have been kind enough to share their amazing advice on how to travel with a bunch of children. 

When it comes to packing clothes and other 'soft' items like blankets, diapers, and the like, we utilize packing cubes. Y'all these are the best kept secret to packing and traveling ~ PERIOD!! I have purchased several different brands over the years to see which ones I like the best, but honestly they each serve their own purpose and I like them all!

Before I invested in packing cubes, each child would have their own duffle, backpack, or suitcase (with plenty of wasted space). But now, ALL of the children get two packing cubes of different sizes and everyone's little cubes go into the same suitcase. Wahlah now we've freed up TONS of space and everyone has their own mini suitcases. When we get to our destination, I simply pass out everyone's packing cubes to take to their own personal space ~ BONUS** mama doesn't have to deal with daily sorting clothes and personal belongings. All their stuff is already sorted!

Now I know many have told me that they do a similar system with large plastic baggies, which is awesome too. But trust me when I say the packing cubes take that system to whole new level. Why? Because the packing cubes are sturdy, they have handles, and zippers and I just find they work a thousand times better than baggies.

This is our big suitcase filled with a weeks worth of clothes for eight of our children.

The Shacke Pak is my favorite packing cube that I've tried. It holds it's shape very well, making it easy for my children to pack and carry. The only downside would be for those who are traveling by plane and may be concerned about weight. These are not the lightest packing cubes we've purchased.

My next favorite packing cube is the Pro Packing Cube for Travel. They are extremely lightweight and stuffable. They can be a little tedious to 'stuff' because the fabric is so lightweight, but I do like them and would purchase more ~ they're more of an 'adult' packing cube.
Last I purchased these Amazon Basics travel organizers. I bought these in the size you see pictured. (They sell different sizes) I needed some smaller ones for underclothes. Typically the children get a medium packing cube for their day clothes and then a small packing cube for their underclothes and nightclothes. I do like these packing cubes and I would put them in between the Shacke Pak and the Pro Packing cubes in regards to quality and durability. I have had no issues with them, they're just not my favorite.

Trust me y'all packing cubes are a life saver when it comes to streamlining the whole travel process for a large family. Actually, I love packing cubes so much that when my husband and I go on overnight trips I use them then too. And I've even started using packing cubes in my diaper bag ~ organization make me a happy gal, lol! 

While it may take a little investment up front, to me, the packing cubes have been worth every penny and then some. After all the only way to stay 'ahead of the game' with a larger than normal sized family is organization. Otherwise we're just asking for unnecessary confusion and chaos. Anything which makes my life less crazy is well worth it in my book!

With Love & Hope,

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