Saturday, December 7, 2019

Christmas Pictures 2019

Christmas Pictures 2019.

If I could only have one thing for Christmas every year it would be pictures of my babies. Last year was a total bust due to the fact that I let another photographer take our Christmas pictures ~ NEVER again. I never saw those pictures and I can never get that moment back!

I started learning the art of photography 11 years ago because photographers in our area are overpriced and undependable. While I may not be a professional, and I still have much to learn, I'll take my pictures over no pictures any day of the week!

Lydia Rose, a few weeks shy of 2 years old. 

I try to narrow it down to just one picture per child, but Lordy be that can be hard when they all turn out so stinking cute!

Titus Alexander, 3 years old.

Since we've taken our Christmas pictures this year, Titus continues to ask quite often if it's 'picture day' again, lol.

Samuel Carter, 5 years old.

Matthew Tyler, 7 years old.

Joshua Cole, 10 years old.

Lucas Tanner, 12 years old.

It's hard finding appropriate poses for boys, especially as they get older. Thankfully my boys seldom give me fits and do whatever I ask in terms of posing and taking pictures. I think their mantra is "hurry up and get it over with, please."

Tabitha Paige, a few weeks shy of 14 years old.

Elijah Jackson, 16 years old.

Isaac Tristan, 19 years old.

So thankful for my 16 year old who was willing to take a few Christmas pictures of dear ol' mom and dad. He's getting pretty good and just may put me out of my yearly job pretty soon.

I didn't think this year's Christmas pictures were going to happen either. We had scheduled a trip to a local Christmas tree farm, but we had last minute scheduling conflicts. To be honest, I don't care where the pictures take place as long as they happen, I'm good to go. Sadly, I'm realizing the older we all get, the less likely they will happen to the extent, I'd prefer. But, I 'll take what I can get and be grateful, treasuring all the pictures I can take of my precious gifts from heaven.

With Love & Hope,

P.S. I can't wait for next year when we get to add little Abby Lou to the mix!


  1. I just adore these! I need to get back into shooting. I have been slacking in that department. Love that you are able to get things in before the babe arrives & things get a little crazier then normal.

    1. Ahh Thank you!! You should start taking pictures again for sure, You are a very talented photographer!
