Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Halloween Craftivities

I know Halloween has come and gone, but I still wanted to go ahead and share how we celebrated the fun holiday this year. We aren't partakers in all the dark and evil aspects of the day, we just try to keep it light, fun, and full of make-believe.

As with every holiday we ALWAYS make cut out sugar cookies. I have buckets of cookie cutters and I truly cherish making the cookies with my children. For many years it was me pretty much doing everything and the kiddos just lending a hand hear and there when it came to baking cut-out sugar cookies. But, as they're getting older, my big kids are heading up our cookie baking fun these days. Whoop Whoop, now this mama can just sit back and take pictures and enjoy the festivities.

For the most part my boys are not all into the cookie baking, but I do make them take at least one turn to get a picture and make mama happy, lol. Thankfully my girlies really enjoy making the cookies, so I don't push the boys too much. 

Lydia continues to amaze me! She isn't even two yet and she had no problem icing her cookies. As a matter of fact she got quite upset when we took the cookies and icing away from her.

The children did an amazing job decorating the cookies this year. On a side note, I try to buy seasonal sprinkles after the holiday ~ trust me they don't go bad!

Next we made white chocolate covered pretzels and then sprinkled them with halloween colored sprinkles ~ because you know life is just way better with sprinkles!

One of our favorite halloween projects is to make Gak. This year everyone was mesmerized by the process and even took turns contributing to the making of our halloween Gak.

I gave the children an assortment of bugs to play with their gak.

The Gak kept my children entertained for HOURS!!!

Here's another fun food craftivity. DIY cookie spiders. Ok not exactly Pinterest worthy, but these were made by the hands of children not adults with too much free time, lol. My littles thought they were awesome and they thoroughly enjoyed eating them.

Our last halloween extra-curricular activity was a minute-to-win it game. In case you can't see, they're blowing plastic spiders across the floor with a straw, lol. Most years we do a snacktivity, craft, and a minute-to-win-it game daily for our Halloween fun schooling week; but this year it just wasn't happening. So I picked some of the easiest things we could do to still celebrate and not push this very pregnant mama over the edge of exhaustion. Which ended up being one activity per day as opposed to three activities.  

I ended up splitting our halloween fun week and our halloween tot school week into two weeks this year. It just worked better for me this year not to do them on the same week. Plus the little ones did get to do some of the bigger kids activities, even if they couldn't fully participate. 

While this wasn't our normal over-load of Halloween fun schooling, we still had a blast making memories and celebrating a fun holiday. 
(Without the gory, scary stuff that often overshadows the day!)

With Love & Hope,


  1. Hi, Jennifer!
    Here in Portugal, unfortunatelly the Haloween is all about witches, vampires and monsters... :S
    That race was a blast!
    Have a great day and God bless!

    1. Folks do that stuff over here too, we just try to avoid it and focus on the 'wholesome, fun side' of the day. :)
