Sunday, November 24, 2019

Blueberry Muffins

I really kind of feel out of place sharing my recipes on my blog since there are so many amazing foodie blogs out there, but folks do ask what I feed my people, so I'm going to share. 

I know the last recipe I posted was for muffins, but it was a savory muffin recipe and this one is for a sweet muffin recipe. Plus, we eat an assortment of muffins at our house every week. Like I've said before, I think muffins are awesome! Perfect for serving littles, minimal mess, and they make it easy to maintain portion control. 

We currently have an unusual situation in that I typically make at least two weeks of freezer meals for when I have a baby; and I have yet to do so (and the baby is due in less than three weeks!). 

I do this in an effort to lighten everyone in the family's load in regards to cooking while I'm in recovery. With a large family, meals aren't just something you 'whip up' easily. You have to plan a tad bit more since you need a whole lot more ingredients to feed a large family. I try to keep a well stocked pantry, but that's easier said than done when you're limited on space. My husband and children are certainly capable of handling preparing meals, I just prefer they didn't have to carry that burden if I can help it.

Well back to our 'unusual' situation we find ourselves in....our freezers are FULL from our summer harvest!! Now, I am NOT complaining, but there is literally no room to put any freezer meals for when the baby is born. So, lately I have been trying my best to free up some space in our freezers in a last ditch effort to make some freezer meals for my family. Which means we've been eating a lot of breakfasts made with blueberries. 

We were blessed with quite the abundance of blueberries this summer and they are overflowing in our freezers. Just this week we had blueberry muffins, blueberry breakfast cake, and blueberry baked oatmeal. It's a good thing we like blueberries, lol. 

So that's the story of why I'm sharing a recipe for blueberry muffins in the midst of the holiday baking season.

Blueberry Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup milk
1.5 cups blueberries

Combine all the ingredients in the order given. Evenly divide into greased muffins tin. Bake 15-20 minutes @ 400*. Makes 12 muffins.

These muffins freeze really well and are a staple in our breakfast menu routine. They're really easy to make and usually my children bake them with minimal help from me. Of course, we typically double or triple the recipe and have never had any problems with the muffins not turning out perfect every single time. 

If you desire to make mini muffins, drop the baking time down to 10-12 minutes. We always make at least two dozen mini muffins for snacks later in the week. Mini muffins are the best snack for hangry little ones who wake up from naps extra cranky and just can't make it until dinner time, lol. 

I'm not sure if I'll be able to clear out enough freezer space in time to make any freezer meals for when our baby is born, but we're definitely enjoying the process of trying. I doubt anyone will ever complain about homemade blueberry muffins regardless of the time of year. Even if I am anxious to get back to all the yummy seasonal food ~ pumpkin everything 😬.

With Love & Hope,

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