Friday, July 26, 2019

Easy Strawberry Syrup

strawberry syrup recipe

A couple of weeks ago I shared my pound cake recipe and said I would post my easy strawberry syrup recipe soon; well here it is! When it comes to homemade pound cake, homemade strawberry syrup just seems to be the perfect combination. Of course either one could be eaten on their own or with other additions, but our family prefers these particular sweet treats combined. 

strawberry syrup recipe

I am not a huge fan of complicated recipes that may or may not turn out. I just do not have time for all that. When I bake or cook I simply want minimal affordable ingredients and to know the recipe is going to turn out. And with this strawberry syrup recipe you get just that!

Easy Strawberry Syrup Recipe

  • 1 pound fresh strawberries, washed, cored, and sliced (unless you're baking for a crowd like I do, then you may want to double or triple the recipe)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a small pot and simmer for 20 minutes. Eat hot over your favorite baked good or cool in fridge and then serve over your favorite baked good. 😁

strawberry syrup recipe

Super simple folks. I wouldn't lead you astray. Everyone just wants good food as quick and easy as possible ~ or at least that's my baking and cooking goals. We typically aim for eating healthier desserts, but every once in a while it's fun to indulge in the real deal. 

strawberry syrup recipe

It's no secret, food is one of my top love languages. I love to bake and cook delicious food for my favorite people. And when it looks AND taste as good as this strawberry syrup recipe, it makes me want to continue finding and creating tasty recipes to make for my family. For me personally nothing says family more than folks sitting in the kitchen around a big table enjoying good food and sweet fellowship. 

With Love & Hope,


  1. Do you can this ever or just make it fresh?

    1. I've never canned this recipe in particular, but I have seen where people can fruit syrups. I'm sure you could find a recipe for canning strawberry syrup.
