Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Freezing Bell Pepper

growing bell pepper

We are hot and heavy in the throws of the summer garden and to be honest we're all getting worn thin. But, we're doing the best we can to keep up. These days we're picking bell pepper by the 5 gallon buckets. Now there's plenty of meals and canning recipes that include bell peppers, so our favorite way to preserve our harvest of bell peppers is to freeze them. When we need them we just thaw them out and add them to recipes as needed. It really isn't remotely complicated to freeze bell pepper; just takes time to cut them and space to put them in a freezer.

My two girlies like to get out early in the mornings and pick the garden. 

preserving bell pepper

I watched Lydia take several bell pepper straight to the bucket, but when I came over with my phone to take a video she refused to do it, lol ~ toddlers!

growing bell pepper

Tabitha is our resident bell pepper chopper and she can do it faster than anyone!

growing bell pepper

Once the bell peppers are all chopped they go into freezer bags and into the freezer until we are ready to add them to recipes.

And folks that's our bell pepper preserving operation in a nutshell. Pick. Chop. Bag. Freeze. Super easy and fairly quick, and it's a good job for the kiddos to do who can handle a knife. As y'all are probably getting the drift, our homesteading efforts are a family affair. Everyone gets in on the action. And for the most part most of them don't complain, they just get right to the tasks at hand and for that I'm grateful. While it may not always be easy, especially this time of year when we've been doing the garden nonstop for weeks on end ~ it's well worth the family bonding and life lessons my children are learning.

With Love & Hope,

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