Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blueberry Picking with the Family

Well, the season for blueberry picking is upon us. Today, me plus eight of my crew went out to see if we could fill a 5 gallon bucket. We were only able to get about a gallon, but we also only had an hour because we had to get back to the house to can some bread and butter pickles and dill pickles. The good thing is when you've got private access to blueberry bushes you can get up early and head to the bushes to pick anytime; so we'll be doing that in the mornings for an hour or so until we've cleaned out the berry bushes.

The berries are nice and plump this year!

Little miss Lydia was picking blueberries like she'd been doing it for years. 

Titus picked a few but mostly he ran around chasing Samuel, lol.

Once Lydia had her fill of picking blueberries we put her in the stroller and Matthew pushed her around. He picked a few berries, but mostly just ate them. Seven is a tough age to balance picking and eating, lol.

Two of my main pickers. Tabitha & Joshua filling their bucket like there was no tomorrow!

Even our big teens get involved in the pickin'. Elijah is a great help and rarely complains about the work around the homestead.

Lucas found himself a good spot to hang out and pick, he was quite ambitious with his own 5 gallon bucket. 😁

And mama of course picking berries. I managed to pick a quarter of a bucket of berries, despite spending an exorbitant amount of time child training a certain 4 year old. {{sigh}}

These three escaped the blueberry 'patch' to find themselves some apples on the apple trees 
(more likely the unripe ones that fell on the ground ~ they'll learn eventually 😅).

We have a good many blueberry bushes on our own property, but these bushes we were picking from are located on our neighbor's property. Over the years we've reached out to people in our area asking if they had fruit producing trees and bushes that we could 'pick on halves'. Picking on halves means several different things but usually it means we pick them some of the fruit in return to pick and keep the rest. This especially works great with those 'senior saints' who planted those wonderful trees and bushes oh so many years ago but aren't able to pick from them any more. We've also enjoyed connecting and building relationship as well as gleaning great wisdom from many of these folks who let us 'pick on halves'. Plus it's an awesome way to fill your larder for nothing but sweat equity. 

My blueberry pickin' crew. 

The pursuit of a simple life has led our family to really think outside the box and get out of our comfort zones. Picking on halves, bartering, simply asking to borrow land and/or tools and equipment; you name it, there's a lengthly list of all the ways we've utilized to simplify our lives and build our homestead. I'm a firm believer that it's a simple life/homesteading frame of mind. All the land and money in the world won't get you back to basics, slowing down and appreciating the blessings you've been given. It's working hard and often doing without that often sparks the greatest ideas and the best inventions. 

So, while it may seem like we're just doing a family fun outing ~ picking blueberries ~ it's really so much more. It's instilling in my children a strong work ethic, it's building relationships, it's teaching them to know where food comes from and how God allows it to grow, it's real life, most importantly it's our life. Yes, it's a little different than most, but it's a great life and one I wouldn't change it for anything.

With Love & Hope,

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